Hey Mom,
There are many responsibilities of a Zone Leader. The biggest
ones are be an example, be attentive to all the needs of the missionaries in the
zone (health, materials, etc.) and interchanges. We work a lot with other
missionaries so they can learn from us and we can learn from them.
Cool story. The ward I am in goes really high up the mountain.
So high, that every 15 days when we eat lunch with the Jaramillos we play with
snow. Can you believe it? I play with SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!
This week we had lots of meetings. On Wednesday, we
had a meeting with all the Zone Leaders, Sister Leaders, Assistants to the President
and President Pitarch. The meeting was all day. I learned a lot. After the
meeting we played soccer.
On Friday, we had another meeting. This time with President
Pitarch and President Mantilla. President Mantilla is the stake President of
the Stake that I am in.
We are planning to move in these coming weeks. There are many
reasons we are tired of living in this house. If we move this week, I will send
pictures next Monday.
On Sunday, we had another meeting. This time it was with all the
ward mission leaders (leaders of the missionary work). Another responsibility of
a zone leader is to be a bridge between stake leaders and missionaries.
I love you so much.
Love, Elder Rucker
p.s. I am sorry if you went all crazy when you read that I
played with snow. But the Jaramillo Family has a dog named "Nieve"
which in English translates into snow. Funny right? You should have seen your
p.s.s. Another cool story. I have been working out so much that
I was contracted to be a model. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA